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Church Events

Please find a list of upcoming church events and please don't forget to look at our church announcements page as well for additional details.

March 23rd

ROMEO: Retired Old Men Eating Out

Meets the fourth Thursday of the month at GAYLE’S DEPOT SQUARE FARM SHOPPE 12:30 PM Discourse on politics of church or government not encouraged Just camaraderie with guys you already know. Hope to see you on Thursday, March 23rd. Reservations not necessary – just show up! Questions? Call Jim Maxwell, 475-559-1633

March 5th

New Member Inquiry Class

     If you are new to the church, if you are considering membership, or if you have recently updated your membership status from inactive to active, you are invited to join us for a New Member Inquiry Session to be held on Sunday, March 5th in the Parlor of Trumbull House.

     We will share information about our church, our denomination (the United Church of Christ) and touch on some of the joys and challenges of being a Christian today. By attending this session, you are not committing to join the church, but we hope you will! Child care will be provided in Fellowship Hall.

March 25th 4-6PM

Trivia and Treats

The Christian Ed Committee invites all ages to a fun afternoon with snacks, juice and coffee and a great game of Trivia!


Questions will be for all ages! Sign-up in Fellowship Hall, email or call the Church Office.

Sunrise Service April 17th at 6am

Sunrise Service

Join us for a joy filled time of outdoor worship at sunrise celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will sing, pray, and hear a message of inspiration from Rev. Carr. Gather at 5:45 AM, service begins at 6AM. There will be “Coffee and...” in Fellowship Hall
following the service.


Sunday April 17, 2022 at 10am

Easter Sunday

Come and hear an inspiring message filled with hope in this joyous season. There will be festive, triumphant music by our Senior Choir and Eric Trudel, our Director of Music Ministries with the Easter message given by Rev. Carr. PLEASE NOTE: There are no Church School classes on Easter.

June 17th

Bus Trip to the Bronx Zoo

Come join us on a trip to The Bronx Zoo on Saturday, June 17th. The motorcoach bus leaves Waterbury at 8:45AM and returns at 6:30PM. The trip, hosted by Friendship Tours, includes bus transportation to and from the zoo, zoo admission, zoo shuttle, monorail, Gorilla Exhibit, Butterfly Garden and more. Lunch is on your own at the many Zoo Cafés. This trip is rain of shine and does require a moderate amount of walking. The cost is $119 for adults, $115 for seniors and $112 for children. If you are interested, please email the Church Office at or call 860- 274-6737 no later than April 1st!

Past Events


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